Monday, August 23, 2010

I did a long interview with a reporter from Apple Daily the day before the last round of the show.... She asked a ton of questions and took a ton of notes, so I was surprised at how short the article actually is. I guess she cut it after I lost! Love how the whole thing is totally sensational - nothing about music!


《超偶》黑妞棄170萬年薪逐夢 嫌銀子太多哦



阿霞 發現魏麗珊中文超溜,學過15年中文的她,還放棄美國南加大海外交換學生顧問工作,阿霞聽說這工作年薪高達170多萬元台幣。阿霞看她手上2克拉鑽戒亮晶 晶,原來是法國白人未婚夫送的訂婚戒,實在有夠閃,不過她竟然慘遭淘汰,真是跌破阿霞眼鏡,只能等2周後錄影能否復活重回舞台。

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